Another experiment of Homo Sapiens During my five days in Malta, I managed to visit three sites of big stones in two days – they are officially known as Megalithic Temples of Malta and there are a total of 7 of them. They say they were built in the Neolithic era, sometime between 3600 and …
“과학의 미래까지 생각해보세요” 표면적으로는 저는 어려서부터 ‘학교 공부’를 잘하고 말 잘 듣는 아이였지만, 저를 면밀히 들여다보면 저는 세상에 대한 호기심이 많은 사람이었습니다. 과학과 수학의 ‘언어’가 제게 썩 잘 맞았기에 학교 성적이 잘 나오는 즐거움에 공부를 열심히 한 것도 있었겠습니다만, 과학의 어떤 본질적인 특성에 대해서도 매력을 느꼈다고 기억합니다. 예컨대 과학은 다윈의 진화론처럼 세상의 수많은 단편적인 현상들을 …
Tunisia boasts a very long history, and the earliest stories date back to as early as the 9th century BC when the city of Carthage was founded by Phoenicians in modern-day Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia. It is easy to notice that Tunisia is proud of being the descendant of Carthage, as the international …
With Salim Despite being a dozen years younger than myself, I connected with him like a friend of my age. His thoughtfulness, maturity and inquisitiveness kept me in a comfortable and fun environment all the while we were exploring the Southern part of the country, and the experience will be remembered for a long time …
I have been longing for traveling to unfamiliar places. It had been over 1.5 years since the last time I had such travels, and I was becoming increasingly desperate to refresh my perspectives – a reminder that the world is a much bigger place than the “comfortable international bubble” where I settled in The …
Arrived in The Hague, the final destination of this trip. This time I drove around 2,700 km in three weeks. When I left the car in Greece a year and 7 months ago, I had no idea about what would happen to it later (donating it was one of the options I considered). And now, …
Last border crossing On this road trip, I drive from Greece to The Netherlands, while only visiting two non-EU countries, North Macedonia and Serbia, although I spent most of the traveling days in those two countries. And leaving Serbia and entering Hungary meant going back into the Schengen Zone, and it was going to be …
with Danilo and Nevena It was already a coincidence when we crossed paths in Plovdiv, Bulgaria two years ago. And what are the odds that I was sighted on the street in their home country? This has to be called pure luck! Meeting people again is a special experience for me, and it is even …